
Summer Institute Upper School

Whether it’s a for-credit class needed to round out a school schedule or an academic interest you’d like to pursue, Harker’s Summer Institute is the place to be for a seriously smart summer.

Summer Institute Upper School

Summer Institute allows students to choose from a variety of academic options, including rigorous for-credit high school courses and non-credit opportunities for enrichment and growth.

Most courses are open to qualified students enrolled in any accredited high school. Our dedicated faculty, combined with small classes, great facilities and a positive learning environment add up to a great summer experience!

Students at board

(Course sessions and fees vary by subject)

Upper School For-Credit Courses

These summer academic courses are equivalent to courses offered during the academic year and use the same texts and materials. Classes are small to ensure quality instruction and retention of course materials. Our teachers (many of whom work at Harker year-round) are caring and professional, and dedicated to providing a quality summer learning experience for each student.

At-A-Glance Course Listing


Students who wish to double-load for-credit courses must go through an approval process. Please contact the upper school Summer Institute (408.345.9652) for information.

Transcripts will reflect participation in a for-credit course for students who remain in the for-credit course beyond the first two weeks of classes.

* Textbook list will be emailed, and books available to purchase through MBS online in May 2024.

Students in a lab setting

June 9-July 18 (Class Sessions Vary by Subject)

Upper School Enrichment Courses

These classes (designed just for high schoolers) provide an opportunity for students to expand their knowledge and interest in a favorite subject area. Our dedicated faculty, combined with small classes, great facilities and a positive learning environment add up to a great summer experience!

At-A-Glance Course Listing

Session One: June 9-27

Session Two: June 30-July 18

Harker Supplemental Coursework (For current Harker Students only)

AP Biology and AP Chemistry are invitational courses. Invites will be sent via email to qualified students.

Summer Lunch

Regular and vegetarian entrees are offered each day and menus are designed to provide healthy, nutritious options.

View A Sample Lunch Menu

Student with book


Students entering grades 9-12 in fall are eligible. Most courses are open to qualified students enrolled in any accredited high school; some require prerequisites. High school options include both enrichment and for-credit courses. Students enrolled in for-credit courses should be prepared for rigorous instruction and two to three hours of homework each day. Attendance is crucial and students may miss no more than two days to qualify for credit. Students who miss more than one class period of a three-week course, or more than two class periods of a six-week course, will not be eligible for credit.

SI teacher helping student

Summer Staff

Outstanding faculty and staff are one of the hallmarks of The Harker School. All staff are carefully selected to provide a positive experience for the students.

Nichols Hall from above

Campus & Facilities

Harker’s spacious upper school campus provides students with a state-of-the-art learning environment.

Learn More About our Campus & Facilities

Save the Date!

Save the date! Harker Summer will open registration soon. Here are our registration dates by program:

Jan. 24, 2025
Summer Camp Plus, Middle School Summer Institute, Speech & Debate, Conservatory, Sports Camp & Swim School

Feb. 18, 2025
Upper School Summer Institute

View our Summer Programs Registration & Fees Info