Performing Arts Teacher Directory
Katie Champlin
Theater Teacher, Middle School
B.A. Theatre Arts, University of California, Santa Cruz
Union Campus
Performing Arts
Danny Dunn
Technical Director and Tech Theater, Lower School
B.F.A. Theatre, University of California, Los Angeles
Bucknall Campus
Performing Arts
Brandi Griffith
Theater Teacher, Upper School
B.F.A .Theatre Performance, Chapman University
M.A Counseling Psychology, University of San Francisco (in progress)
M.A Counseling Psychology, University of San Francisco (in progress)
Saratoga Campus
Performing Arts
David Hart
Instrumental Music Teacher, Middle School
B.F.A. Music Performance, University of California, Los Angeles
M.M. Music Education & Jazz Performance, Eastman School of Music
D.M.A. Music Education & Jazz Performance, Eastman School of Music
M.M. Music Education & Jazz Performance, Eastman School of Music
D.M.A. Music Education & Jazz Performance, Eastman School of Music
Union Campus
Performing Arts
Rachelle Haun
Dance Teacher, Upper School
B.A. Theater Arts (Dance Emphasis), University of California, Santa Cruz
Saratoga Campus
Performing Arts
Louis Hoffman
Instrumental Music Teacher, Lower School
B.A. Cultural Anthropology, California State University, Northridge
M.M. Music Education, Boston University
M.M. Music Education, Boston University
Bucknall Campus
Performing Arts
Carena Kay
Vocal Music Teacher, Lower School
B.Ed. Music Education, University of Hawaii at Manoa
M.M.Ed. Music Education, The Hartt School, University of Hartford
Kodaly Certified – Levels I, II and III, The Hartt School, University of Hartford
Orff-Schulwerk Certified – Levels I, II, and III, The San Francisco International Orff Course
M.M.Ed. Music Education, The Hartt School, University of Hartford
Kodaly Certified – Levels I, II and III, The Hartt School, University of Hartford
Orff-Schulwerk Certified – Levels I, II, and III, The San Francisco International Orff Course
Bucknall Campus
Performing Arts
Laura Lang-Ree
Performing Arts Director, K-12
B.A. Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles
M.A. Academic Theatre Arts, San Jose State University
M.A. Academic Theatre Arts, San Jose State University
Saratoga Campus
Performing Arts
Brian Larsen
Production Manager K-12 and Tech Theater, Upper School
B.A. (cum laude) Theatre Arts, California State University, Hayward
Saratoga Campus
Performing Arts
Susan Nace
Vocal Music Teacher, Upper School
B.A. Music Education & Applied Music, Western State College
Master's of Music Vocal Performance, University of Northern Colorado
Master's of Music Vocal Performance, University of Northern Colorado
Saratoga Campus
Performing Arts
Gail Palmer
Dance Director, K-8 Lead PA Teacher, Lower School
B.A. English, Santa Clara University
Bucknall Campus
Performing Arts
Kristin Pfeifer
Vocal Music Teacher, Middle School
B.M. Music Education, San Francisco State University
M.A. Music, San Jose State University
Single-Subject Teaching Credential (Music), San Francisco State University
M.A. Music, San Jose State University
Single-Subject Teaching Credential (Music), San Francisco State University
Union Campus
Performing Arts
Jamie Piazza
Vocal Music Teacher, Lower School
B.A. Music, Vocal Performance, California State University, East Bay
M.A. Music, Vocal Performance, California State University, East Bay
Orff Shulwerk Level 1 & 2 Certification
M.A. Music, Vocal Performance, California State University, East Bay
Orff Shulwerk Level 1 & 2 Certification
Bucknall Campus
Performing Arts
Jennifer Sandusky
Vocal Music Teacher, Upper School
Bachelor of Music, Vocal Performance, Illinois Wesleyan University
Master of Music, Vocal Performance, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Master of Music, Vocal Performance, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Saratoga Campus
Performing Arts
Kimberly Teodoro
Dance Teacher, Lower School and Middle School
Studied at Santa Monica College and Cosumnes River College
Union Campus
Performing Arts
Erica Valenzuela
Dance Teacher, Lower School and Middle School
A.S. San Jose City College
Bucknall Campus
Performing Arts